Health Communications in an Era of Disinformation: Priorities for Stakeholders in 2024 and Beyond

On the sidelines of the World Health Assembly, join PAN, Resilience Action Network Africa (RANA), Nigeria Health Watch (NHW), and UNITE for a special session on Health Communications in an Era of Disinformation and Priorities for Stakeholders in 2024 and Beyond. 

This event will be held on Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 7:00-9:00am CET. Breakfast will be served from 7:00-7:30am. 

Speakers include:

– Imran Ahmed, Founder and CEO, Center for Countering Digital Hate
– Dr. Benjamin Djoudalbaye, Head of Policy, Health Diplomacy, and Communication, Africa CDC
– Ida Jooste, Global Health Media Advisor, Internews Network
– Vivianne Ihekweazu, Managing Director, Nigeria Health Watch
– Ricardo Baptista Leite, Founder and President, UNITE Parliamentarians Network
– Gabriella Stern, Director of Communications, WHO
– John Wabwire, Community Health Promoter, Busia County, Ministry of Health Kenya
– Saul Walker, Interim Executive Director, Policy, Partnerships and Access, CEPI
– Eloise Todd, Executive Director and Co-Founder, PAN

This event will explore how we can collectively address the challenge of disinformation in the crucial months and years ahead and explore what we can learn from the recent experiences of COVID-19 and the pandemic agreement negotiations.

Register today! Space is limited. Participants will receive location details (in-person in Geneva and virtual) in advance with their event confirmation.