Do Whatever It Takes! Making the COVID-19 Summit a Step Change in Global Response

Sep 9 Biden Summit Announcement 2

Pandemic Action Network is relentlessly focused on ending the COVID-19 crisis everywhere and preventing the next pandemic. We work with our global network of more than 140 partners to push governments to bridge the divide between rhetoric or piecemeal efforts and meaningful actions. When we first learned about the prospect of a global COVID-19 Response Summit — something we have been calling for over the past 18 months — we set out to define the step change in ambition that leaders would need to take after the devastatingly inadequate action taken to tackle this pandemic crisis to date.

That’s why in advance of this Summit, we worked with our partners at the COVID Collaborative and across multiple centers at Duke University to bring more than 60 organizations together around a common position on what’s needed to end this crisis. We’re pleased to see much of what we have been calling for reflected in the Summit targets, which we support. But this Summit has to set itself apart by being the starting point in a much longer journey.

It’s beyond time for an action plan, leadership, and accountability. The world is divided between the haves and the have nots like never before. Those with access to COVID-19 vaccines, and those with no access in sight. We have to change this, and at the 22 September COVID-19 Summit, leaders must pledge to do whatever it takes to fully vaccinate 70% of the population in every country in less than 12 months. We will be tracking their progress towards that commitment and the interim target of at least 40% by the end of 2021.

To get there, we must dramatically ramp up support NOW for:

  • Vaccine donations, queue swaps, manufacturing, and delivery
  • Development and deployment of testing and treatments — including oxygen — and PPE
  • A strong frontline health workforce to reach the most vulnerable communities

We make our own commitment to deliver. We will continue to help mobilize the political support and resources necessary to deliver the targets, and track progress of countries towards their goals. We will also push the private sector and philanthropic donors to play their part in delivering the funding — and the policies — to achieve global vaccination and delivery of COVID-19 tools. We will convene and tap the deep expertise and capabilities in our Network across sectors to inform their design and ensure they are inclusive, accountable, sustainably funded, and commensurate with the threat.

It’s time to shine a light on the problems in the system, and fix them, before they take more lives. We are in a race against time. The world has the resources and the ingenuity to solve these challenges.

It’s a matter of leadership and political will. We will be working to ensure that this Summit leaves a legacy to end this crisis and pandemic-proof the world once and for all.

Read and share the full Framework for a Global Action Plan for COVID-19 Response endorsed by more than 60 partners here.