Calling for Action and Accountability: A Political Declaration from the UN’s High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response

    • May 4, 2023
post 2 april option 1

The United Nations’ (UN) High-level Meeting (HLM) on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (Pandemic PPR), scheduled to take place on Sept. 20, 2023,  is a critical opportunity to bring world leaders together to commit to a whole-of-government, whole-of-society, global approach to addressing pandemic threats. 

An ambitious but targeted political declaration from this HLM can serve as a timely catalyst to bolster and accelerate global cooperation, leadership, equity, and action on Pandemic PPR. Alongside 140 partners, we are calling for leaders to: 

  • Agree to establish a robust set of monitoring and accountability mechanisms to catalyze high-level political accountability for Pandemic PPR and break the recurring cycle of pandemic panic and neglect.
  • Endorse creation of a standing UN council at Head of State/Head of Government-level to drive ongoing vigilance and timely, concerted global response to  current and future health crises and pandemic threats. 
  • Reach consensus on a standing global platform to ensure timely, equitable, and affordable global access to, and delivery of, pandemic countermeasures for all. 
  • Commit to secure the necessary, additional financing at scale to close critical funding gaps for Pandemic PPR as a global public good. 
  • Reinforce the importance of a multisectoral approach to Pandemic PPR.

The Pandemic PPR HLM must not be a one-off event. Read our letter for why these priorities are key to ensuring that this HLM elevates and sustains the political leadership, actions, investments, and accountability necessary to help protect humanity from another devastating pandemic.